Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tree Hotel- MirrorCubs

You have the perfect spot for Mirrorcube in the back of your mind or in the back of your grounds. Treehotel introduces Mirrorcube – your link to nature.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Flux Generation

I just learned a new concept of " The Flux Generation".

Today’s world is in a state of continuous change! People of today generally fall into one of three categories: a) they fight change by being unchangeable; b) they try to control the change through hierarchies and rigid rules and regulations and policies and procedures; or c) they participate in it. The Flux generation is in that third group.

Gen-Fluxer’s do not belong to a specific age group. They are not defined by a specific era as past generations were. They are a cross-generational group that share (or rather embrace) a common mindset, Change.

Their world is fast paced and constantly changing. Their career path is no longer a steady 40 year progression towards a “Gold Watch” and a Retirement party. A typical Gen-Fluxer resume will reflect multiple jobs (many short stints) and multiple industries. For them there are no guarantees. They thrive on the pressure of constantly learning new things and acquiring new skills. Their ideas and methods are often considered disruptive as they don’t subscribe to the philosophy of, “this is the way we’ve always done it”. They are true innovators.

Gen – Fluxer’s are the “innovative”, “creative”, “outside the box thinking” candidates everyone describes when they are trying to fill a vacancy. They are also the same candidates most are afraid to hire because of their “innovative”, “creative”, “outside the box thinking”.

The world we live in is not a perfect one. life is filled with uncertainty and chaos. The issue that will determine whether we are a victim of chaos or a participant in the new life being created out of such chaos.