Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chinese New Year Ceremony favorites

Whispers of Bamboos in the Empty Mountains
Loving Birds
Dancing Robots

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Banana mask for winter dry skin


  1. 1
    Mash all ingredients together with a fork.
  2. 2
    Smooth over entire face.
  3. 3
    Leave on face for 10-15 minutes.
  4. 4
    Rinse off.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

南京 Nanking

This is part 1. Double click the video you will find other parts links ( 9 parts total)

The story is told through deeply moving interviews with Chinese survivors, chilling archival footage and photos of the events, and testimonies of former Japanese soldiers. At the heart of Nanking is a filmed stage reading of the Westerners’ letters and diaries, featuring Woody Harrison, Mariel Hemingway and Jurgen Prochnow. Through its interweave of archival images, testimonies of survivors, and readings of first hand accounts, the film puts the viewer on the streets of Nanking and brings the forgotten past to startling life.

Nanking is a testament to the courage and conviction of individuals who were determined to act in the face of evil and a powerful tribute to the resilience of the Chinese people – a gripping account of light in the darkest of times.