Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ketchup Shrimp with Limey Qinoa Salad

Yes, cooking Shrimp with Ketchup! Sometimes, the simplest way is the best way. It is the best tasting shrimps I have had (just my not so humble opinion). The whole dish takes less than 15 minute! Believe me. Tasting so good with little effort. Who needs take-out?

Ingredients: 1 serve

5 jumble uncooked frozen shrimps ( I bought from Trader Joe's, defrost them very fast by using room temperature water, )
1/2 cup uncooked quinoa
1/2 cup grape tomatoes, halved
one scallion, thinly sliced
1/3 cup cilantro, chopped
a few fresh torn basil leaves
2 tablespoon olive oil
2 garlic ( minced)
1 tablespoon Ketchup
half lime ( zest and juice)
Salt / Black pepper to taste


1. Bring 3 cups water to boil in a small pot, then add the quinoa. Don't worry how much water you can use. Once the quinoa has been cooked( it's about 10 minutes), drain it. Mix quinoa with basil leaves, cilantro, scallions, tomatoes, lime zest + juice and add pinch of salt+ black pepper to taste. The salad is done.
2. While the quinoa is boiling,  use Non-stick pan, heat up the olive oil and garlic, add the shrimps. cook for about 3~4 minute ( shrimps turn to pink color) . add 2 tablespoon ketchup. quickly stir fry for 30 seconds. The shrimps are done. Place the shrimps on tops of the Quinoa salad. Garnish with a few cilantro leaves. Dinner is ready!

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