Saturday, August 4, 2012

Man cycles across the world from China for London 2012

      In just over two years Chen Guanming says he has travelled with his rickshaw about 60,000km through 16 countries, overcoming floods, war zones, mountain passes (included Tibet) and temperatures of -30C.
      His story sounds so fantastical that isn't dissimilar to what Marco Polo did. The 57-year-old from Jiangsu province in eastern China, has the passport, press cuttings and book full of messages from around the world, to testify to his feat.
      His aim, he said, was to "spread the Olympic spirit".
      Original report click here

      His story reminds me that a few friends and I had an expedition plan to drive Jeeps around the world back to 12 years ago. It was just a big talk. I so admire the man's spirit and his commitment. He made it with his rickshaw. How cool is that! I have to say that he found the most economic way of traveling - no fuel cost, doen't need motels along the way and get great exercise while doing sightseeing. Brilliant! It may become the trend in the future.

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