Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Letter to Martin Rogers

I don't believe I wrote a letter to Martin Rogers to comment on his article that posted on Yahoo Sports today. It was so out my character. I must be doped! The truth is that I was fed up by all the nonsenses flooding around the medias about Chinese athletes. Why can't those so call "journalists" just show their respects to the chinese athletes without biased standards. Why do they think those chinese gold metal winners are state trained and brain washed compete machines? Why can't they just admit that all the chinese athletes are the dream pursuers just as other countries'. They sacrificed lot to pursue the glories.

Hi Martin,

A fried of mine asked my opinion about the article you posted onYahoo Sports today- Family kept grandparents' deaths secret from Chinese diver until she won gold medal.

Honest speaking, I don't like the way how you told the story. My personal feeling is that you deliberately used different words to present your biased opinion. If these things happen in other countries, you will present it as heroism and self-sacrifice.

There are no easy ways to won the gold.I'm sure that Wu Minxia and her family sacrificed lot in their personal life. But the truth is that it was a personal choice. Nobody was forced to stay in the training camp. Don't like it, anybody can quit. 

Your article gave the wrong impression to your readers that China was a communist country where people didn't have the freedom to do what they want to do. "In China, athletes are often taken away from their families at a young age and placed in specialist training schools where they practice for hours every day. Wu began training daily at a diving camp at the age of 6. By the time she was 16, she had left home to be installed in a government aquatic sports institute." It was a very interesting choice that you used " are often taken away" and "be  Installed". If you go to boarding school and college, would you use the same words? They are the similar or same situations. Training camps are just more disciplined than others.

I guess you don't know about China. This is not your fault. Chinese government and Chinese people should do a better PR job to improve China's images abroad. This is America, everybody can express their own opinions. I just wish the medias can be more fair on China- related issues. There are many evidences have driven me nuts like this kind of stories.

I am sorry to hear the story about Wu Mingxia's family. But I believe that it was the decision they thought was the best for them. 

Best regards.


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